Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Change of Heart

Posted by RedRanger48

Every fans has his/her story on how he/she find an oshimen. One of my friend, Kinal-oshi, said “It was just like, BAM! I choose you”. Another, a Melody oshi, justified his choice after she said to him “Your T-shirt is way cool” during Hi touch session. Others found their oshimen after JKT48 official event like bowling, futsal, dodgeball etc.
I remember my friend from a town in Borneo, came to Jakarta during Trainee’s theater, and sat in the far seats. Before the show begin, he told me that he wants to give a gift to Octi. “I definitely will give this to Octi, she’s cute !”. Just moments after the theater performance ended, I rushed to his seat, asking if he would give the gift to Octi. He stared into my eyes deeply and said calmly “Nope, I’m giving this to Lidya”
Human’s heart changed every seconds. :mrgreen: There must be a reason why someone supports somebody. When the reason was not fulfilled or matched, then a change of heart is inevitable.
My reason to keep coming back to the theater? Having fun. And supporting her…  :oops: